Saturday, March 7, 2015

Competition Day!

Hey guys! Unfortunately I don't have any Survival Saturday writing tips available for you today.  The reason being is that have I have been out of the house from 8am to 8pm.

12 hours.
It's been a long day.

Where was I? At the Odyssey of the Mind competition.  You can read more about it here.

Basically, OotM is an organization that encourages creative problem solving in the form of a competition.  This inspires learning and creative thinking through hands-on experiences.

Today, our team had both a Spontaneous Challenge (or short term problem) and a Skit (or long term problem).

The Spontaneous Challenge can be:  verbal, hands-on, or hands-on verbal.

Examples of each:

Verbal: "Come up with as many words or phrases with the word ball in it."
Hands-on: "Create a stack of cards that can support five marbles."
Hands-on Verbal: "When you tear a piece of paper, say something relating to either the sound of the paper ripping, or the reason you are ripping it."

For this challenge, you usually have about 1-2 minutes to think and prepare, and 3-5 minutes to complete the challenge.

For the Spontaneous Challenge at the actual competition, you don't know what type of challenge it will be until it's your turn to go.

My team and I have been sworn to the utmost secrecy not to reveal what today's challenge was. The reason being that there are still many teams across the country that still have yet to perform, and giving away the secret will give them an unfair advantage and also take away the "spontaneousness" of it all.

After that was done, we had to perform our 8 minute Skit.  The topic of our Skit was already predetermined, and it was up to our team to come up with the way the problem was interpreted and performed.  I'm proud to say it went smoothly and flawlessly.

It was so much fun--and quite exhausting--but all our hard work payed off.  Our team won second place!

Tomorrow I shall resume with my regular daily schedule.

God bless,
~Amy Rochelle

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